Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Humble Indie Bundle 7

The Humble Indie Bundle 7 has just been put on sale. As I've posted before that I'm a big fan of this program that gives customers the opportunity to pay what they want for the games and decide how much of the purchase price goes to the developers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation or Child's Play charity. The Humble Indie Bundle includes:

  • Snapshot
  • Binding of Isaac
  • Closure
  • Indie Game: The Movie (the movie)
  • Shank 2
And if you pay over the average you also get:
  • Dungeon Defenders +DLC
  • Legend of Grimlock
Humble Indie Bundle 7 also includes the soundtracks for all the games. 

All DRM Free. Proceeds go to charity. 

More info here:

Link to get buy here:

Have fun all!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Some Much Needed Downtime and a Note for Slackers

I just wrapped up another semester of classes and I'm two-thirds of the way through my BS in Business Management program at Northeastern University. Forty-four weeks of classes in a year along with work and raising a family is a grind and I need a mental holiday. I'll be taking it easy for the next few weeks to give my brain some rest and recharge my batteries for the the last 6 months left of classes starting in January. Now it's time to spend some more time having fun with my kids, enjoy some more time with my wife, catch up on some games, maybe read a book I don't have to cite for a report, not have to worry about homework deadlines and heck, I may even get some sleep for a change. I'll also be taking a look at what I've been doing and make sure its the right thing for my family.

It's important to stay productive but it's also important that we slow down from time to time. Take some time to look at what you are doing and ask yourself if you're on the right path. These little lulls in life are the best time to take a step back and assess where you can improve your life and the lives of your loved ones. It's hard to get a grasp on where you are in life when you're up to your eyebrows with work. Some of you reading this may be taking some time off for the holidays and amidst all the merriment take a pause and ask yourself if you're on the right path. Ask yourself, "Can I be doing better?", "Do I really need to work 80 hour weeks?", "Do I really need a 400 calorie coffee every morning?" Your answers are your own of course, you may be completely content and more power to you.

On the other hand if you've been spending all your time sitting around blaming others for your lack of success, get of your ass and make it happen now. Don't wait for the New Year, don't wait until Monday, and don't wait for tomorrow. None of things are promised, success isn't guaranteed but only you can maximize your potential through effort.

Have a super day/week/year/life,